& Co.
- Fine Art
- Frescoes
- Murals
- Consulting &
VK Designs
Plaster Enhancement & Repair
Surface Effects & Faux Finishes
Specialty Painting
Ornamental Borders
Decorative Accents
Trompe L'Oeil
Archways , Fireplace
& Entryways
You can see our work in at the Lensic Performing Arts Center
(Exterior - Burro Alley), the Eldorado Hotel, The Compound Restaurant,
the Sanbusco Center, Borders Books, Concepts Salon, Inn on the
Alameda, Camel Rock Casino, Fechin Inn, Hyatt, Corn Maiden Restaurant
and the Palace Restaurant to name just a few...
Contact us via email at vkdesign@cybermesa.com
or call us at 505-920-3739
View our Portfolio by clicking here.